Individual Coaching

Do you feel stuck and ready for a change? That’s an SOS straight from your soul letting you know you’ve strayed from your purpose. I’ve been there too and can help you reconnect with your why and create a plan to bring more intention and joy into your daily life.

Group Coaching & Facilitation

Are you looking to build a dream team from scratch or take your existing one to the next level? It all comes down to trust, defining accountability and a shared vision. I can help lay the foundation for a new team or help to fine-tune an existing one for the greatest results, all while making sure everyone has the ability to personally grow and shine.

Nonprofit Partnership Matching

So you’re feeling pretty good about things but you’d like to have more of a personal impact as a rebel with a cause. Maybe you’d like to know what nonprofits are out there, which are the best fit and ways to give back. Ranging from a one-time event, skills-based volunteering or ongoing opportunity help, consider me your nonprofit matchmaker. 

Early in my career, Jami helped me find the confidence to speak up in situations where I would have otherwise stayed quiet. She is a champion of personal development and helped to connect me with many and varied ways to not only learn and develop myself, but also to get involved in the local Atlanta community.
— Jessica Rossi
Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will never lead you astray.
— Rumi